Jodie Moliter
Health Educator and Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, Public Health Sauk County
Jodie and her husband own a 160 acre family farm located in Juneau County. They raise Holstein steers as well as hay and corn. She grew up on three generation dairy farm just outside Appleton that the family lost during the drought of '88.
Jodie volunteers with Farmer Angel Network as it corresponds to her work, and her family also struggles with mental health and how it relates to farming.
Jodie and husband have been married as high school sweethearts and have been married over 26 years. They have 3 boys ages 22, 19 & 17. Her two oldest sons are in college at UW-Platteville and play baseball there. Her youngest son is a high school senior and plays basketball and baseball. Jodie's husband coaches their local adult amateur wood bat league which their boys play on. Her joy in life is to watch them play baseball!!